Language: ChineselineEnglish


Experimental study on the removal of CO produced by gas explosion using copper-manganese catalyst

In response to the problem of suffocation and casualties caused by the large amount of toxic CO gas produced after gas explosion, researchers explored the efficiency of Cu-Mn catalyst in removing CO. The experiment analyzed the quantitative relationship between the amount of CO eliminated, the elimination rate, O2 concentration and temperature, and further studied the influence of O2 concentration, temperature and CO concentration on the thermal effect during the elimination process.

The results show that the removal of CO by Cu-Mn catalyst is rapid and effective. When the ratio of CO concentration to O2 concentration is closer to the stoichiometric ratio, the elimination reaction is more complete, the time to complete the elimination is shorter, and the peak temperature reached during the reaction is higher. As the CO concentration increases, the peak temperature also increases, but the time required to reach the peak temperature is also extended accordingly. These findings provide an important basis for optimizing the use conditions of Cu-Mn eliminator and help improve its effect in practical applications.

This study provides sufficient theoretical support for the use of Cu-Mn catalyst to catalyze the oxidation of CO after coal mine gas explosion, which is of great significance to improving mine safety. As a professional manufacturer of carbon monoxide elimination catalysts, MinStrong's products perform well in this field. Our Cu-Mn catalyst has the advantages of stable performance, low dust rate, and fast elimination reaction rate. While ensuring efficient removal of CO, it also ensures the safety and reliability of the use process.

In addition, Minstrong's products are also cost-effective and can meet the needs of enterprises of different sizes. We not only provide high-quality products, but also provide customers with comprehensive technical support and after-sales service to ensure that the products play the best effect in practical applications.



    Contact: Candyly

    Phone: +8618142685208

    Tel: 0086-0731-84115166


    Add: Kinglory Science And Technology Industrial Park, Wangcheng Area, Changsha, Hunan, China.